Before submitting a guest pitch, here are some things you need to know about the show:
- Second Breaks is a show for midlifers.
- You need not be a midlifer to be a guest on the show. But your story or topics must be relevant to my primary listeners.
- The show is NOT a business podcast for midlife entrepreneurs, although we talk about business when it fits the editorial calendar.
Here are the topics that we cover on the show:
- Stories of transitions in midlife.*** Examples include unexpected life events, retirement, career changes, lifestyle reinventions, relationship shifts, and finding new purpose and meaning after retirement. Guests should be open to sharing their experiences, lessons learned, and key takeaways.
- Expert advice, insights, and strategies for handling midlife transitions and curveballs. *** Guests should have expertise/insights to share.
**** In 2024, we continue to seek out transition stories related to retirement, particularly from corporate roles. This includes full-time retirement, part-time retirement, or ‘un-retirement’ (i.e., returning to work (in any capacity) after leaving their corporate roles).*
If you’ve got relevant expertise or a related personal story, please click the appropriate link below to complete a brief questionnaire. Please make sure your responses clearly point to at least one of the areas listed above.
Based on your responses to the questionnaire, I will see if how you might fit into this year’s editorial calendar.
I have a personal transition or curveball story to share
I am an expert with insights and ideas to share